Setting up a PDGA sanctioned Disc Golf event in the UK

There is a PDF of this document here

The PDGA have a "How to sanction an Event" guide on their website at

And a "How to run an Event"guide at

This is a cut down version of the sanctioning document with added details for the UK specifically. Please read the original as well. Wording from the PDGA document are in italics.

The PDGA Event Sanctioning Process

1) Select a date and tier then have it approved by your area’s PDGA Coordinator.
In the UK that is the BDGA, and you get approval by sending the following info. to

There will be a form eventually on the new BDGA site. For now, just an email template
Event name:
PDGA sanctioned: (yes/no)
PDGA Tier: 
TD name:
TD email - will not be shared publicly:
TD phone - will not be shared publicly: 
UDisc events link (if known):
pdga link (if already sanctioned):
description: (for socials)
photo: (for socials)
Shoot the competitions director an email with any of those details you have before you want to sanction it and they'll also help promote it on the socials.

2) Fill out and submit the Sanctioning Agreement online.

Make sure to read the brief Terms and Conditions that you’re agreeing to.

Make sure you hit the CONTINUE > button at the bottom of the Sanctioning Agreement to get to the payment page. The Sanctioning Agreement will not be submitted without payment of the sanctioning fee.

The agreement will also not be submitted if the Event Director (and Assistant Event Director, if there is one) is not a current PDGA Member and/or not a Certified Official. In order to become a Certified Official, you must pass an open-book exam covering material from the Official Rules of Disc Golf and the Competition Manual. Once you pass, you will be prompted to pay a $10 fee

3) How to make changes to your sanctioned event.

You can edit the name of your event (adding sponsors, fixing typos, etc.) on the Setup tab of the event’s Tournament Manager page. Tournament Manager is a tool that allows you to handle event logistics from the palm of your hand. Learn how to use it here.

All other changes (e.g. date, location, Tier, TD, Ass’t TD) need to be made by the PDGA Event Support Team. Do not re-sanction or re-submit your event. Please instead send an email to with the information you need changed, and our staff will assist you.

4) Sanctioning Fees

After completing the Event Sanctioning Agreement, one of the following sanctioning fees will apply. Fees can be paid online using a debit/credit card or PayPal at the end of the online sanctioning process.

C-Tier: $50
B-Tier: $75
A-Tier: $100
Elite Series: waived
Major: waived
League; $25 initially
+ $0.50 per player at the end of the league.
NOTE: The fees listed above also apply to experimental PDGA events (XC-Tier, XB-Tier, XA-Tier).